The PractiScore 2 scoring app is designed to work standalone. The app can pull match data and post match results to the PractiScore website, but you don’t have to use PractiScore website.
The PractiScore 1.x app for Android and PractiScore 1.x app for iOS are retired and replaced with the PractiScore 2 app which provides same functionality as the old apps. If you are missing some specific features, please contact us.
You don’t need the PractiScore website or even internet connection to create match, register and score competitors, and prepare match results.
There are few howto videos for the apps on Youtube. E.g. see PractiScore app for Android tutorials by IPSC Manitoba, linked at PractiScore apps and web site howto videos
Generally, install the app from the app store on your phone or tablet and you can do it all on one device. Multiple devices can be used to score multiple squads in parallel (or register competitors in parallel).
For small matches you can create match on a phone or tablet, register competitors before the match at the range, then score and get results by the end of the match.
For larger matches or when you need to pre-register competitors, the PractiScore website provides a lot of handy functionality and tools for Match Directors.
- Getting Started with PractiScore web site, How do I run a Match?
- Getting the most out of the PractiScore match registration website
- Create stages automatically when downloading match from the PractiScore web site
To sync scores and match data (competitors, stages, etc) between devices you need WiFi (but not the internet access). So a portable WiFi hotspot works or you can share WiFi connection from the phone for the time you’d be doing sync.
- WiFi / Internet / Synching Basics for All Sports
- Syncing with PractiScore 1.x or 2.x app for Android running on Chromebook or in Bluestacks
Tablet recommendations
Timers, chronographs and printers
- Bluetooth timers supported in the PractiScore scoring apps
- Connect your AMG timer to your iPad
- Printing Stage Receipts from PractiScore app for Android - #3 by euxx
- Chronograph Bluetooth link in PractiScore app for Android - #6 by euxx
- Export to WinMSS and posting results to IPSC website
- Range Officer tracking in PractiScore app
- Squad rotation and IROA shooters order
Other topics
- Scoring Tournament, Club League or Match Series in PractiScore app for Android
- How to setup and run a Postal Match in PractiScore app
- Creating your own match templates in PractiScore app
- Registering Shooters in PractiScore app
- How to merge multiple matches in the PractiScore app for Android
- How to merge duplicated stages
- Update local shooter history in the PractiScore app for Android
- Importing shooter registration data into PractiScore app
- How to enable local score log in PractiScore app for Android
- Search and filtering options in PractiScore apps
- Using NFC cards or tokens with the PractiScore app for Android