The PractiScore 2 apps and the PractiScore 1.x app for Android can automatically create stages when match registration is pulled from PractiScore web site using pin# as described in Getting Started with PractiScore web site, How do I run a Match?
To make this work you can put classifier stage code (as you have in the app) into the stage name or enter stage description on the web site and optionally attach stage diagram (image or PDF file):
Then when your match is loaded to device using match pin# number for the first time, the PractiScore app for Android will check if one of the classifier stage codes is in the stage name and then create stage according to specified classifier configuration (starting from PractiScore app for Android 1.6.46).
Otherwise the app will read your stage description entered on the web site for IPSC/USPSA, IDPA and ICORE matches and attempt to configure your stages in the match according to stage description.
For example, in an IPSC match, for stage description like this:
10 IPSC Targets, 3 IPSC Poppers
Rounds to be scored - 23
Start position - In area A facing uprange,
Procedure - Upon signal, engage targets
The app will automatically add 10 paper targets (2 hits each) and 3 poppers.
Note the punctuation (commas, dots or line breaks) to separate the target types and other data fragments from each other.
The following key words (more or less) are recognized:
- string, strings
- popper, plate, clay
- penalty popper, no shoot popper, no shoot plate, no shoot clay
- no shoot, penalty target
- target, targets
- moving target, appearing target
- round, rounds
- points