Update Classification returns incorrect result

I was recently running a Level II USPSA match that requires current membership, so I made sure to run “update classification” on the shooters. A few reported in as “X” but when I went to uspsa.org to look up their membership number I found most were good for another year.

Also PS seems to be unable to equate Axxxxx and TYxxxxx etc. For example if the member used to have a 3-year membership (TYxxxxx) and now switched to annual Axxxxx but mistakenly still used their TYxxxxx number, PS would give them no classification. With that said I have to add, I’ve always found it very confusing that USPSA changes a member number based on how many years you paid for…

Are these known issues or am I missing something on either topic?

@Kevin_Collins1 the Android 1.x app, as well as PractiScore 2.x app does not do any “magic” to guess competitor’s member numbers.

If you want us to investigate the update classification returning incorrect results, please email the following to support@practiscore.com

  • The match export file *.psc you are updating classification for
  • Competitor name + division for all competitors you see getting an incorrect class set in the app after the update.