Re-usable pre-registration codes

I have been allowing staff to pre-register for matches by issuing them pre-registration codes. Unfortunately the only way I can figure out how to do it is by creating each staff member a unique pre-registration code and then either sending all the pre-registration codes in one big table to all the staff or sending individual notes to each staff member with their unique code. Is there a way to create a RE-USABLE preregistration code (or some other way to do that I’m missing)?

Ahhh, make all of the pre-registration codes the SAME! Seems like that will work fine given my small test.

If you have a fixed number of pre-registration codes that get used, you can go into ‘manage pre-registration codes’ under your match and hit ‘reissue’ in the actions column. That lets the code get used again. I have done that in the past, and I think we made multiple copies of the same code before as well. We ran into issues of people passing them to others that were not intended for pre-registration, so we stopped doing that. For our large matches, I now generate a set of random numbers as pre-registration codes. Then we use a mail merge script to send individual emails to staff with their unique number, so the staff only see their own code. The mail merge is a script that takes a spreadsheet input that has the shooters emails and their corresponding code, then it automatically sends out all the emails in a batch.
I think this is the most appropriate link to the workflow: How To: Create Preregistration codes that Bypass or Do Not Bypass payment

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We actually use this for the mail merge script:
Create a mail merge with Gmail & Google Sheets  |  Apps Script  |  Google for Developers
It works well, but I would say that it requires some technical skills to setup - but not too difficult. They have pretty decent instructions for using the script. Just for reference we have about 70 staff in our state match, and it works well!

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