At the bottom of my Fire tablet PractiScore screen is the USPSA Rules tab (or IDPA). Very nice to be Range Officer and be able to browse the rule book handily. Well, at home the rulebook comes up dandy, but not at the range where there’s no internet available. My tablet also has rule books down loaded but it would convenient and user friendly for new range officers if one could just touch the tab and presto, the rulebook comes up.
Is there a way to link the PractiScore Rules tab to downloaded rulebooks?
As far as I know, the usual way. My club, and other clubs I know, click into club, click into create match, and set registration parameters and info, click save and it’s ready to go. For tablets, we get the match pin# and import to tablet. Regardless of affliation, USPSA, IDPA, time plus; the rule book will appear at bottom of tab? menu. Of course with good reception our Fire tablets will bring up the rulebooks pronto. But in the bussel of a match that’s out in the boonies, (aren’t most ranges out there?) one needs the tablet to be used for the scoring task. There is a brief minute, (less as scorekeeper is getting the next shooter and other scoring tasks) between shooters to clarify a rule situation by RO and keep the squad flowing. Every tablet will have rule book docs stored in different sites, folders, and names; so most ROs don’t have handy access to rules via the tablet. This would be a definite plus for all ROs having common easy access to rules. PractiScore rocks.
@Randy_Wagoner okay. So, the match was created on the web site first and then downloaded using pin#…
Could you please email me one of those pin# at and also clarify if match was first imported to iOS or Android app? I.e. iOS or Android master device.
The rulebooks are part of the match templates. Generally they should be downloaded with the match at the time you use pin# import. Then match documents (rulebooks, as well as additional documents added on the registration page) should be synced to the scoring devices when you pull match changes from the master and supposed to be available offline.
I just tried it with a USPSA match on both iOS and Android. I don’t see a USPSA Rules link on iOS and the one on Android is only accessible with Wi-fi turned on.
As far as I know the match documents (neither rulebooks or website docs) are not supported in the iOS app
You would need wifi (internet really) to have rulebooks or docs downloaded. But that should be just for the time when match is crated (either new added match on device or when match is pulled in from the PractiScore website with pin#).
But even now. After you looked at the rulebook once it should be available offline after that.
I review this again for the Android app once I get the match pin# I can play with from @Randy_Wagoner (or somewhere else).
Beautiful, I made it out to the range and the rulebook popped up promptly. Thanks euxx. Getting this feature to perform more consistently in future upgrades will be a definite enhancement.
I created a new USPSA match on the website, I didn’t clone an old one, and downloaded (Import-> Get Match Registration) on my Master tablet. When I click on “USPSA Rules” and select my PDF reader it will pop open briefly and close. Cloning an old match doesn’t change the behavior.
If I create a match on the tablet (Change->Add), I see the button changes to “USPSA Rules 2021” and I have a rulebook.
How can I get the rulebook with a match that is created on and download via PIN?
@Jim_Boone I don’t think the match templates been updated on the web site. I’ll try to ping the web team about this.
You can create match on device and then use “import into the current match” option when importing match registrations with pin#. Though that unlinks registration site from the match results.
Given that choice, I’ll add the 2021 rules as a match document until the web match templates have been updated. Having the link between registration and results is more important than having that button to the right thing.