NRA Action Pistol Classification Results

Can’t seem to get match results by classification – High Master, Master, Expert, Sharpshooter, Marksman am I missing something?

can you share the link of the exact match or the name of the exact match you are asking about.

DJ Thanks for the reply here is the link to my most recent NRA Action Match as you can see at the bottom there is a link for Category Leaders but there is nothing available for Class Leaders. And when I register shooters are always input their Classification.

I’m guessing the iOS app don’t have the class reports for some reason.
You could get around that by re-posting those results from the PractiScore app on Android device.

Take a look at results now.
I re-posted the match from android.
The reason it didn’t show is that when NRA action was created on iOS it was not used by a group that needed class results. :man_shrugging:

Thank you! For my next NRA Action Pistol match I’ll use tablets with Android and that will give me results by classification

I am using Practiscore on iOS 1.757 (1) and have the same issue. Classification has been added to every shooter, however it does not appear in the final results. Are you planning to fix the iOS or would you recommend using Android going forward? Match:

@William_Goldberg as stated above, the iOS 1.x app is not including class into the results report.

If you need those, you can use either Android 1.x app or switch to the PractiScore 2.x app.

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Many thanks @euxx ! Worked a treat on my iPhone!

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