My shooters can’t pay

I set up my match long before any of the new changes took place, and now it’s not working the same as it did last year.

I have a teared structure for entry fees and I sell shirts. What I did last year was allow shooters to register all of their guns and shirt selections without having to pay upfront. Then, a few days later I would adjust 1 of their entries to reflect the total amount due. This would send them a link where then they could log in, input their CC Info, and pay their fee. It worked perfectly last year!

Now, I just finished updating each shooters payment amounts, it sent new links Like normal, and it shows how much their fee is. However, there is no area for them to Input their CC Info to pay the fees. I’m getting bombarded with emails and not sure what I can do.

Any help here?

Hello Nick,
Well yes, things have changed a great deal as far as match setup and the Stripe system.
I am making an educated guess here. Of the 2 clubs you manage and the 3 clubs you help manage only one of them has any online payment set up with a match currently taking a large registration payment. We are talking about The Hub City Hosefest in Hattiesburg are we not?
The problem you are experiencing is based on not updating the stripe account to Stripe Connect. This box is in that clubs main page.

I believe this is why your payment are not working. Without the update the system after Sept 1st will not work.
My suggestion is to take a look at these tutorials, they should help you navigate the new system.

This should help you out.
If you have more questions you can ask them here or email me directly at


Actually DJ, it’s for the 2020 MS Steel Challenge Championship. However, I found a workaround. I made the match fee $1, but then didn’t require payment for registration and squadding.