Looking for advice on starting up postal matches for Eley XSHOT

Eley XSHOT came out with ARA style bull’s-eye targets a little while back. We shoot local 3card matches and I’ve never posted any scores on practicscore.
Eley x-shot promised to come out with postal matches. What they actually did was came out with an option for me to set up a match online which I intend to do.
So I want to start in January 2025. My biggest concern is having a year long competition of monthly matches where we can have a winner at the end of the year.
Now I believe I use the bullseye match selection. We wii shoot 3 targets and I guess the real question is will practicscore automatically link these matches together for a year long competition and automatically calculate the winner? We can set up on Amazon tablets or pc or iPad…not sure how to set it all up to work.

This is my goal can you help me?

@Gary_MacGuyver I don’t think you will have postal matches automatically linked together. So, you’ll have to manage it semi-manually.

  • For each monthly match you will have to post a match export file *.psc with all the stages pre-configured. Make sure to set the results posting password in the match settings before sharing that export file, so clubs won’t be able to post results on their own
  • Your match directors need to load that match export file into the PractiScore app, add their competitors, score everything, and then email you their updated match export file *.psc back to you.
  • You need to import it on your Master tablet. It will offer you several options for an existing match. You should select “Merge” option.
  • You can post incremental match updates as you receive results from each clubs or post everything at the end
  • At any time you can create the match series results and then post updates once your monthly matches are complete.