I am experiencing an issue with the matches dashboard. Since importing a file using the integrated tool, the dashboard has been crashing consistently. I suspect that the problem might be related to unsupported UTF-8 characters in the file.
Could you please assist me by removing shooters so that I can re-upload a new version without accented characters?
To help we would need more info.
Club Name, Match Name to begin with.
The simplest thing would be for us to clear out all shooters.
I suggest you consider using Practiscore registration to keep this from happening.
Thanks a lot.
To be sure, do you have a model file ?
(my first row is
First Name,Last Name,Email,Division,Class,Junior,Senior,Super Senior,Lady,Grand Senior,Power Factor,Member Number
EDIT : success !
I’ve add an error message at import, but in fact… all shooters where there.
At this time I can’t ask shooters to use registration fonction (and globaly French shooters have to register to an official form but MD have to manage matches by an other way )