How to move a shooter from squad to squad on web page
Hi Robert!
If you go into the “Manage” tab on your club page, you can hit “Manage Squadding” and manage all changes to shooters there.
To make actual squad edits, you’ll need to hit “Edit Schedules/Squads”.
Hi! Are you a match director or a shooter switching squads for a match? Try going to this article on “how to squad.” This will work even if you are already squaded. How do I squad in my Match?
Match director trying to even out squads before downloading
I have got to that point, how do i actually move them around?
Trying to move shooter from one squad to another go to manage list comes up now what ? I click name another window comes up not able to drag to another squad no where to type in squad???
You should see this when you go into “Manage Squading.” The big, blue bar will guide you to squad your people where you want them.
If he’s already in a squad click on his name and X him.
then go to the squad you want to insert him and click on a blank bar and start typing his name.
You can install him in the squad you want that way.
There is no dragging and dropping in this form.
D. J.
Thank you all for your help. What i was getting at is what DJ replied.