is there any way to find the emails sent out over practiscore? I repeatedly get the feedback ‘I didn’t get your email about the match, the event etc’
I advise the guys to check their spam folder and their practiscore inbox but it would be great to be able to find the emails sent out somewhere on the match and the event dashboard and resend them to certain shooters.
Best regards, Andy
There is not a way to “resend” email to one shooter.
You can go into the Mach dashboard and access the sent emails. I imagine you could copy the text and then paste it in an email to a shooter.
But really, isn’t having the shooter look in their Practiscore inbox jut the easiest thing to do?
Everything they get is right there.
OK, I see that.
For matches the emails can be found on the match dashboard, but (at least in my browser) they are unformatted, one-line endless text. I guess it can be copy/pasted but it’s not easy, at least if there’s some amount of text.
For events, I can’t find the emails anywhere. So if I get the feedback ‘I never got the email’ I can’t easily check what has been sent out. I refer them to their inbox but not all people seem to check or even find those and by the time they do and check the contents, the info might be old.
I started to add my own email address to the emails (add additional recipients) I send out and sometimes I actually get them but sometimes I don’t.
Ideal would be an outbox containing all emails sent out from that account. Doesn’t have to be per recipient, of course.
I see no option for “sent emails” in the match dashboard. Could you provide more detail as to where sent emails can be found?
You will see sent email if you have sent emails. If you haven’t there is not box for emails.
Here is a screen shot of a test match in the match dashboard where I sent a test email.
[quote=“D.J.Petrou, post:2, topic:3359”]
I had to cancel a shooting class and used the option to email all but I can not find a record of the email confirming it was sent. On the event dashboard I do not see any option other than to send new email. Am I missing something? thanks
Are you talking about a match or an Event. They have different functionality options.
Hi, thanks for the quick reply. It is a shooting class/event.
Hi, Anything further you can share about finding a copy of emails sent or a confirmation it was sent to participants for an event? Thanks
Events are not as fully functioning as a match is. Many of the dashboard functions are not available in events.
If I had the exact date of the email being sent I could put that on the webmasters list of things to look at but it would be days if not weeks before he could look.
I can tell you from past history that when a system email goes out (what you sent) that it always goes to everybody on the list. Now whether their email domain accepts is it a different story.
We know for a fact that aol, hotmail, yahoo and others will not deliver these emails because they come from a system not an individual.
When this happen I council the shooter to use a gmail account and not any of these others. That inevitably clears non receipt of admin emails.