Change club name

How do I make adjustments to the club name? It is important that the page remains old.

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The only way to change a club name is for our web dept to do it. Please share the current clubs name and what you would like it changed to and I can have it changed in a day or so.

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Old name - Division55, new name - DV55. Thanks!

Sent off to web. It should be done in a day or so.

6 Minutes later I hear it is done!! :+1:t2:

Club Name Change please. Thank you.

Old information: NRL22 Lubbock TX

New Information: Lubbock Rimfire

I’ll get this over to our web team.

Thank you!


It should be changed now.

Club Name Change Please.

Old name: RCLRC 22 Sniper Challenge Program
New name: Precision 22 Steel Challenge

All Done.

Trying to change name from Appalachian Gun Range 2018 to just Appalachian Gun Range.
Is this the format to request this change?
Much appreciated!

Hi @Roy_Mick,

I’ve got it changed for you.


Please change club name

Old name:
GUAMC Guam United Alpha Marksman Club

New name:
GUAM Guam United Alpha Marksman Club

Please change my club name from
“ziko test”
“ziko CelPal”

Thank You

It’s been updated

Would you please change my club name from: “Rivanna PPSA IDPA”
to: “Precision Practical Shooting at RRPC”

Thank you so much!

Hi @Ira_Kreisman,

We can’t make any name changes while you have matches setup as those match links will no longer be valid. You’ll need to delete those 3 matches you have setup before we can change the name.

thanks for the quick reply. I have deleted the 3 active matches.

I’ve got it updated for you @Ira_Kreisman