Ken, I am confident you and your team will sort this out equitably. The issue not being discussed but one that I have run into several times is the matter of withdrawals when a Practiscore donation has been made. My practice is to fully refund the competitor who withdraws. So far the Practiscore donation and associated fee seems to come out of my bank account or the funds waiting to be deposited.
If I am wrong about that sorry for the cry of wolf. I have some competitors who have donated up to $15 with the associated increase in fees. This would be a big bite on a withdrawal for a small unsupported match.
Thanks Lief! I specifically asked about this (I run a club too!) and was told it wouldnât happen this way. Iâve asked Paula (our accountant who is dealing with Stripe) and Jeff (the engineer who wrote this module) to investigate asap. Iâll keep you posted.
@Paula_Nelson @Jeff_Krammer
Can you give me specific dates on a few of the refunds you have issued? What Iâm seeing on the PS Stripe side is that the donation portion is also being subtracted from our account/or funds pending deposit. I would like to see if I can track down specific transactions to understand how Stripe is handling these transactions.
I want to give you some more details on the transaction that brought this to my attention.
On July 9th a competitor reported he was double charged for our GBC match. When we looked into this with Practiscore support we realized he had accidentally entered a donation of $150 thinking he was paying for the match. The $150 was refunded from Practiscore back to our Stripe account, but it was not refunded to the competitor. We monitored the Stripe activities for a few days before we did a manual refund on 7/14/202 of the $150 back to the competitor. Here is a screen capture showing the Charge and the adjustment from practiscore
Here is the refund from NCPS to the competitor
Here is what the Transaction looked like after the donation was refunded from Practiscore
Here is what the Transaction looks like now:
Here are the most recent with detail for Joe. My fees should be $1.52 which is what first caught my attention.
FYI⌠all donation blocks (whether club inspired or for the shooter) are now hideable from the match creation/edit page. That was always my intent, sorry I missed it.
So you can hide donations if you choose.
WRT 1099K stuff⌠@Paula_Nelson is still investigating that.
WRT Stripe fees on refunded transactions⌠still investigating that although it does look like the stripe fees for the entire transaction (match + PS donation) are being assigned to the club when refunding. For locals that isnât very much, pennies, but for bigger matches that could add up. One option is to not refund the full amount, which many clubs are doing since Stripe stopped refunding transaction fees. We are adding in a button to do that automatically, providing 3 refund options (Full, Partial (user set), and Full less Stripe transaction fees - which would keep you whole.
As we learn more we will pass it along.
Ken N.
Thank you @KenNelson This checkbox now allows the clubs to figure out how we want to handle the donations and allows us to work through and test solution to the accounting issues.
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Here is a recent transaction where the shooter donated $5 to PS. The match is $42. Note the fees. My fee is usually $1.52.
If you hover over the 6.51 on this transaction, you will see that figure is composed of the net donation and the transaction fee. I canât find this specific transaction without a date attached to it, but looking at similar donations you should see, when you hover, that the transaction fee is $1.66 and net to PS is $4.85.
If you do the Stripe fee calculation on what you would normally get without the the Practiscore donation, you would net the same amount for your club.
I am still working on getting clarification on how these donations are reported by Stripe on the 1099 K. As with anything related to taxes, itâs never straightforward.
Can you send me a screenshot of your clubâs July Payout Reconciliation Report and email that directly to me Please leave the figures in tact if youâre comfortable with that. You can find that on your Dashboard under Reports and then scroll down to the middle portion titled Payout Reconciliation and do just a screenshot of that portion of the reports:
This will help me communicate my specific questions with the Stripe CSR. We are speaking across each other. I donât see the same information on my Stripe reports (because we are not a club) so I canât be confident that what Iâm asking is what she is answering.
I have sent you the email.
Hover over ⌠who knew. Thanks Paula, that makes it a lot easier to figure out.
Just want to keep everyone updated. I am still working with Stripe on clarifications. The issues stem from accountants (me), who speak one language. trying to interpret what computer programmers, who speak a different language, are saying and vice-versa. Yes there are drawings/illustrations involved! Also, as I dig into it further, I find other questions/issues that need to be resolved as well. But I am still working on this issue!
Thanks to Jim and Lief for providing me with reports.
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Sorry just some clarification for me. The stripe processing fee ($2.04) is the fee of the match ($30) not including the practiscore donation of $30?
I think itâs for the entire amount ($60) -
$0.30 + ($60 * 0.029) = $2.04
Have you had any success with Stripe on getting clarification?
I too am interested in seeing this resolved. I want to re-enable donations but I donât want it to make our clubâs accounting more complicated.
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Iâm going to post something tomorrow. I canât get Stripe to answer specific inquiries, primarily, I believe, because the questions involve tax and accounting issues and the CS people just refer you to articles that advise you to consult with your accountant etc. etc.
Jim, I sent you an email.
@Paula_Nelson I am working on your request.