What type match do I select to create a 2 gun rimfire club match?

I’m attempting to create a new 2 gun rimfire monthly match for our club that consists both steel and paper targets.
What type match do I select when creating a 2 gun rimfire club match of this type? The shooters will run thru each stage once with a pistol and then once with a rifle.

@Gary_MacGuyver how do you want to score each stage? Time or points? And then how you want to aggregate these stage results into the overall results?

I think I want to use a combination of both time and points something like IDPA? Frankly I don’t know I’m new with this

@Gary_MacGuyver IDPA does not use points. It is a time-based scoring. Their “points down” is a fancy name for target zones time-penalty.

If you don’t know - I’d recommend using some existing match types. E.g. use IDPA as is. Or you could start with a Timeplus template, but then you’d have do define your own penalties for everything (those defined in IDPA are as good as anything else).

I’ll try timeplus and let you know!