Unable to register for IPSC match

I’m trying to register for IPSC match in my local range, I found the match and when I click on it, I can’t find the field to enter my registration code.

Which club are you looking at?

BBRC in Burlington, ON, on June 22. It’s a practice match

Albert, I see no clubs nor matches with the name bbrc.
Is there an actual full name of the club.
If the club has a match listed but when you click on it you don’t get a registration form. It would be because they have not created a registration form yet. I would suggest emailing the club directly that might be faster for you.

Albert, registration for that match opens on June 21st.
If you are BRRC club member then email MD contact listed in the club info to get your pre-reg code to register earlier than that.

Yes, it’s a practice match, and I already have the code.
Till March, I used to register to those matches 6 days in advance as a member of the club. Then it opens the day before, e.g. June 21, for non-members. THe current behaviour makes me believe the site treats my account as a non-member, despite the fact that I didn’t make any changes to my profile and I confirmed that the BBRC is in my profile as my club

It’s not the site. It is how the match director configured his registration and he hasn’t added any pre-registration codes for this one. So, you need to email MD.