Unable to access posted results

Results of our club match were uploaded and appear in the listing of scores. when I try to access I receive: The scores you are trying to access are unlisted. You can not access them with this url. The url should end with text like results/new/1234-abcd-1234-abcd. The url from the list is: MRPS USPSA Feb 23, 2023 | PractiScore (fails) and a working url from the same list: MRPS USPSA Feb 16, 2023 | PractiScore looks the same to me.
Can someone tell me what is wrong so I can correct and more importantly avoid doing it in the future.

@William_Greenwood where did you get that url? Or do you know the match name for these results?

The url is from view scores. I’ve searched for the name “MRPS”. If you right click on the link you can copy it. If you search the one that fails is the one posted yesterday (Feb 24 2023)

What is the exact name of the club that hosts these matches? Somebody has done something with the posting of this most recent match. If I knew what the club name was I could take a look.

You could also call the match director and ask him to repost the results and let’s see if things change.

The club name is Mountain Range Practical Shooters. We post results with the prefix of “MRPS”. I am the defacto match director. These results were posted in the same manner as all the rest. I suppose there is a setting on the tablet we use for scoring that was inadvertently changed. I can try reposting but currently don’t have access to the tablet so it may be a few days before I can attempt. Luckily everyone knows the overall results.
Any insight will be helpful.

I’ve found a club with this name. There are no matches set up for registration and no posted match results from this club. Which is unique for an actual USPSA club.
I cannot tell you why your posted match has failed.
But, I just pulled the match from the PS website and reposted from a solid network and it is now showing up on the scores section of the website.

Now that it is fixed I have a few suggestions.
As a USPSA club I would suggest that you begin creating registration for your matches on the Practiscore website under the club name. It make it easier on shooters and actually easier on the Match Directors.
I would also suggest that you name your matches “Mountain Range Practical Shooters USPSA Feb 16th, 2023”
This helps with a number of things.
It allows USPSA members or actually any shooters who might be in the area or are looking for matches an opportunity to find and register for your matches. The full name also allows anyone not in your inside Clique to find and participate in your matches.
In the world of computers, having a longer name is easy to fill in as no one has to type out anything when copy and paste is available.
If you need help with some of these things you can review it all starting with this tutorial.

If you need help just ask.

Thanks for your suggestions. I will be looking at implementing some of them. Basically we are a small group that gets together on Thursday nights for a “friendly” competition. I’m not sure if any of our shooter would actually preregister on PractiScore. We have always posted under “MRPS” but your suggestion does have merit as other looking for a local competition would find us.
As to re-posting the results, I saw that the Feb 16th results were re-posted. However it is the Feb 23rd results that cause the error.
Thanks again for all your help. I will be doing more reading on PractiScore.

@William_Greenwood as an alternative to pre-registration you can use the “Claim Results for Club” option on the results web page on PractiScore website. That should link these results with your club page.

When “private match” or “exclude from search results” optino is checked when posting results online these results won’t show up in the search or in the recent results.

@D.J.Petrou if they checked a “private match” checkbox on a tablet that would explain the differences between theirs and your posting of the match results.