Two same names in the system, how to merge into one profile

Match profile made by range in all caps before I created practiscore account. How do I merge the two?

Altus range has my name in ALL caps, PETER CALOGERO. I now have an account login with my name Peter Calogero. How do I merge the two. I have no email registration to the ALL CAPS profile.

If you want those posted results to merge you have to contact the match director who posted them. Ask them to go into every match that has the Caps registration and correct your email to the current email. Then they have to repost the results.
It Might work but here is the reality.
Having your matches track to your dashboard is not a guarantee. The link can be broken by the match director doing a few things before posting of the match. It can also happen if you did not register online and registered at the match, if your email was not done correctly it will not link. It works most of the time but it’s not guaranteed to work every single time in every single situation. You might check with your match director and ask them to double check your email in the master tablet and then repost the results.
Luckily, you can always use the search function under the scores tab to find your match results.