Stripe no longer returning fees?

Hello, I just noticed when I completed a refund through practiscore site that I told me either the shooter or myself will have to pay for the processing fees that stripe already took out. I also did a refund directly from stripe and received no such notice. Is this only happening because I’m doing it through practiscore? Sorry if this has already been asked.Annotation 2020-08-12 025515

Hi @Eddie_Diaz,
Unfortunately, Stripe changed their policies earlier this year. They are no longer refunding Stripe fees through their website or through Practiscore.

So to be clear; stripe takes a fee for processing the credit card. They feel they are owed that fee regardless. When a refund is given do they also charge a fee i.e. what is the meaning of ‘have the shooter cover the fee’? Is that just the original fee and no fee is assessed for sending it back to the original card?

This is actually seriously bad. It will mean that we have to give the shooter the option of paying at the match or paying by card using stripe and losing the fee on a refund if they have to with draw ($1.52 in my case). So this sounds trivial unless the shooter was generous and gave a 5 or more to Practiscore. The processing fee for a $5.00 donation is $1.66 to me and passing along $4.85.

So has Practiscore worked out the procedure for refunding the donation?

If Practiscore does not intend to give back the donation (a donation is a donation after all) the match is left with figuring out what to refund the shooter and somehow explaining why the event they cannot attend is costing them some money anyway.

So I just noticed the 6.51 fee is my 1.52 + the $5.00. At this point it is still what will be deducted from my bank on the refund as far as I know.

the $20 refund was done manually, the $30 refund was done via practiscore. The $30 one is the only one that shows it giving back only partial the amount.

@Stephanie it doesn’t see like it on the stripe website according to my screen shots above

Hi @Eddie_Diaz,
It looks like the refund through Practiscore took out the Stripe Fee ($1.17) from the $30 charge. If you look at the details for the individual transactions, you’ll probably see on the $20 one that your net amount is -$0.88 from the Stripe fee. The following is example from one of my matches when I did a refund:
Amount $12.00
Refunded $12.00
Fee $0.65
Net -$0.65
Status Refunded

Were you all able to figure out whether the button “No, Have the Shooter Cover Fees” actually calculates $0.30+2.9% or does it just withhold all fees from the refund (including Practiscore donations)?