Standard optic as new IPSC division

Standard optic had became a provisional division in certain IPSC region. That the case in France. For my match , level 3, I will have some shooters in this division. Is it possible for me to create this division? Or do you have to it by yourself?


@Norbert_PAPON the Optics division was added to the in-app match templates a few weeks ago. But you can add any divisions you like in the apps or on the match registration website for a given match.

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Thanks for this response.
Please advise what is the version of the latest app for Android devices?

@Gerald_Hong you should check the app store on your device and update if necessary.

Thanks, I have checked and the version on the App Store is 1.7.36 and it is stalled on the device yet the Optics Division is not displayed. Please advise what is the version that should installed on the devices to have this corrected or is there a work around for this?

The PractiScore 2 is a separate band new app. The PractiScore 1.x app is discontinued and won’t be updated.

Hello, thank you I red wrong the division list… My brain was looking for standard optic and not optic…My bad!

@Norbert_PAPON I’ve seen two versions of this division proposal draft with no official announcement or support in the WinMSS.

If any division name does not match your expectation you can rename it in the app and update competitors accordingly.