Sponsores not showing

I didt a small action air match and i addet 2 sponsors

But when i go to the shooters dashbord and look at the match, no sponsores under the stage

can sombody plz help

when i go to the dashboard for the match i dont have eny sponsores

If you are talking about a sponsor badge, the badge must be added to your account before you register for the match.
You must register online for the badge to work. You only get one badge to follow you.

Without a link to the match results we can’t investigate further.


match link

sponsores are workin here

but not for rest

So you are a Match Director NOT a shooter.
You’ve shown a upcoming match with sponsors.
I don’t understand your problem.
If you’ve created a test match or something and it didn’t work but now it is working?

iam both… MD and shooter.

When i look as a shooter there is no sponsores

only when i do MD

This is me as a shooter

The sponsor is emty

it will be for the rest of the shooters to, thats the problem

IF I look at the registration page as a regular user this is what I see.
The TWO sponsors are there and it scrolls between the two.

IF I go into the sponsor set up page you have two sponsors.

You are registered for your own match with an admin account so you will not see the pages as a regular user.

arrh thanks sir!!!

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