Sort report view from Classification Update

When I View/Print report produced following USPSA ‘Update Classifications’ the list of missing/expired seems to be in a random order. Can it be sorted, alphabetically or by USPSA Member iPad 1.727

You can take the list of shooters missing their numbers and add them to a document and then you can sort it any way you want it.

If you can export that report or otherwise save it in text form, you can insert the data into a blank Excel or Sheets spreadsheet and use the ‘Text to Columns’ function to split the data into multiple columns. Select the data in the first column and perform the function with ‘,’ as the separator. Then select the data in the next column and perform the function with ‘(’ as the separator. Then the next column using ‘)’, then the next column using ‘<’, and finally the next column using ‘>’. At that point you can sort the records as you need.

It might be easier to upload the results to after updating the classifications, view the results in the old html style, select the overall/combined results, and cut/paste into a spreadsheet. I find that this puts each field into a separate column. At that point you can filter for class ‘X’ and sort as needed.

  • Paul
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We can make the file a csv and sort it. Then if you export it you can use it easier as well.

I have added a task for this. I can’t give a time frame now though.

Thanks for your patience.

Thanks Russell. My other thought was to export/sort/import the Masternames file.

That sounds do-able too. I will add that to the task.

Export and sort completed. Forgot how to import shooter master record from csv file. iPad @ 1.727

Need instruction on how to import the masternames file once it is sorted.

If you email the csv file to your tablet you can open it with Practiscore. It should ask you to what to do with the imported shooters. Add them to History.

Add to History process worked, but…
1st attempt-no change to masternames, added sorted csv to history, updated USPSA classifications, View Report: still scrambled.
2nd attempt-deleted all shooters from match and all names that could have been added A-Z, added sorted csv to history, updated USPSA classifications, View Report: still scrambled.
3rd attempt-removed/reinstalled PS (iOS 1.727), set “my first match” to Hit Factor/USPSA Affiliated/Level I, added sorted csv to history, updated USPSA classifications, View Report: still scrambled.