Setting up squadding for a match

One of the tasks to take care of after creating your match is to create a squadding matrix.
If you have chosen to let your shooters self squad after registering or paying then this is where they will go.
It’s pretty simple and you have a few options…
First navigate you your club page, find your match and Click the manage button.

Here is the squad creation page. Now fill in spaces to set up a squad list.

This is what the list of created squads will look like. Here is where you can Reserve squad slots. (say you want room for sponsors or comp’d slots) . You can make the waitlists available or not to count each squad ( We pretty much Always make the squad available to the waitlist.) You can even Name the squad if you want (ie. “The Old Guys”, “The High Speed Guys”, etc.)

This screen shows the “Manage squad” page that you can get to back up in screen #1.
Here you can see how the squads are filling up. You can also add to your reserved spots by typing in a registered shooters name in the space you want them. Here I added myself to a reserved spot.

One other way to view shooters and squads locations is in the Approve/View Shooters page. The squad number will be listed next to each shooters name. You can move them here but it is difficult in my opinion to keep the balance of the squads in your head as you move people.
I use this section to make sure all shooters have actually squadded.

There are other ways to get to these pages, for instance via the match dashboard, but this is a basic and easy way to do it.
Good luck, See you on the Range!
