SCSA new provisional division (Limited Optics)

SCSA has approved a new provisional division for Limited Optics. The division is set to be live Jan. 1 and Appendix D10 was published in the BOD minutes.

Will PractiScore 2 be able to accommodate this change?

We are in constant contact with Zack Jones at SCSA.
Yes, you will see the Division.
Please make sure you keep all your tablets updated to the most recent version of Practiscore 2.0.

Good Afternoon, I had a participant that was in the new Limited Optics division today and PractiScore wants me to re-align LO with a different division before I download the results for SCSA. Am I missing something? Is PractiScore allowing LO division yet for SCSA?

@Tony_Norton the web site issues related to SCSA upload files are being worked on

Thank you for the speedy reply. I assume there will be something sent out when the issue is resolved?