I run monthly matches at a local club and last Sunday was my 1st use of PS2. There are 40+ shooters who enter but not all of them every time. I have setup a template file containing all of them and simply clone it (shooters & penalties) for the monthly match. I can then delete those who don’t enter that particular match. Been doing this for years with PS1. In PS1 a deleted shooter actually disappeared from the competitor list but in PS2 they are simply marked “(DEL)” and greyed out. On Sunday I only had 17 shooters so there were a lot of greyed out shooters which made managing the shooter list very unwieldly. Is this a PS2 function or am I doing something wrong? Personally, I would really like a deleted shooter to disappear from the match shooter list.
@Clive_Taylor there is no change from PS 1.x app.
You can permanently delete competitors while match is in the “creation mode”, e.g. immediately after cloning an old match on a tablet.
Once match is switched to the “scoring mode” we can only soft-delete competitors and stages. That is necessary to support wifi sync.
The “scoring mode” is turned on when you either add any scores, export match or pull match to other devices using a wifi sync.
Does building stages switch Practiscore to “scoring” mode? I clone the template match a day or two before the match and, at that time, build the stages on the Practiscore base tablet. It’s on this tablet I “delete” non-attending club members on the day. When the entry list is correct I then sync to the tablets that will actually do the scoring. No scoring is done on the base tablet prior to pushing the match to the stage tabs. This method always seemed to work OK with PS1.
No it shouldn’t.
OK, I’ll do some more testing.