Re-uploading match with corrected USPSA Numbers


Our results were originally posted to Practiscore with several shooters missing USPSA #s. I have added the USPSA numbers to the shooters in the master nook, and posted the match to practiscore again, but the USPSA numbers are not updating on the website.

Am I missing something here? I’d much rather add their numbers in practiscore instead of USPSA corrections.


Did you wait 30 minutes or so and then re-download the match file from the PS website. Then resend that match file to USPSA?

I still haven’t sent the file to USPSA. So far I have updated the USPSA #s on our master device, then posted the scores to Practiscore. The issue I’m having is the updated member numbers are not appearing on Practiscore.

There is some latency on the website. Also you may need to clear your web browser cache or use Ctrl-Refresh in your web browser to see the updated results.

BTW, the html-only version may update faster.

You are 100% right. Thank you. USPSA #s appear in the HTML version.