Points Down download failure

Match affiliation set as Points Down on website.
Attempting download on tablet fails…Unknown or unsupported match type…is the message.
On the Ipad it downloads as “hit Factor”…??? Problem on the website possible??
We have a match this weekend…Help Please…


Share the club name and the match name please and we will look at it. :+1:t3:

Club… Kayaderosseras Fish and Game Club
match…KFGC Action pistol (local) April 22 2023


I am getting the info to the developer to look at…
We will let you know. Shouldn’t take to long.
It will download to an ipad and then sync over to android if needed…
Eugene should have it fixed for you in the next day or so.
We will let you know.

Seems like a website issue. Bounced it to the web crew to look at.