Payment required for the match

When we set up the match, we have the Payment required at time of Registration checked.
But once the match is full, the box automatically gets unchecked for people registering for the waitlist, which makes sense.
But If we have people withdraw from the match and it’s no longer full, the Payment required at time of Registration doesn’t get re-checked automatically, and now people can register without paying. Then we have to track people down for payment after they have already squaded.

Is there any way to have the Payment required at time of Registration get re-checked if the match is no longer full?

You’ll have to go in and re-check the payment selection. There’s no way for the system to automatically re-check if the match is no longer full.

I do the same for our local club…full payment required at registration and automatically proceed to squaddin after registration. That way the registration runs hands-free until it fills, at which point it reverts as you describe. I make sure the setting is checked for squadding requires payment AND approval. After withdrawals again make room in the match, I have to make sure all waitlisted shooters are cleared through approval and paid and then I manually revert the controls back to the original settings.