Past squad lists

I frequently want to see how other shooters on my squad scored. Most of the time there are people I’ve never shot with so I don’t know their full names.

I wish there was a way to see a squad list with the scores (maybe an actual filter or category) or at least a way to find a list.

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Currently there are two ways to do this. The easiest is to get the Practiscore Competitor app. In that app, it is real easy to search by squad and navigate to any scores. You can also use the Practiscore website, but it takes a bit more work. To find the squadding, you can go to the club page where it lists upcoming matches. There is a button that you can click for total matches, where you can open the registration page for prior matches. From that registration page, the ‘view squadding’ button is available and you can see who was in each squad. Then you can look up shooters by name in the Practiscore results.

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