I just registered our club, 37 PSR Gun Club, with practiscore and created our first match, the Inaugural 37 PSR Combat Match. However, when I search for matches in NC my match does not appear. What is going on here? Thanks.
You must use the exact address for your club that Google maps uses.
The geo locator uses the correct google maps address to find things. It the address is incorrect it will not be found. Right now your club effectively has no address.
Find your club address on google and use it “Exactly” it will probably fix the issue.
I just fixed it by reentering in the address from google maps.
Something was entered incorrectly or there was an extra space of something.
It is fine now.
Still can’t seem to find it. Searching does not bring it up.
I went and looked at Google maps. It said 1331 Loop Rd. for your address, instead of our correct mailing address of 1333. So I went in Practiscore and changed it to 1331. Still didn’t seem to have any effect. I can search for the club, and then find the match under the club, but I can’t search for the match and have it show up on a list of matches in the area.
If you changed it back after I had repaired it then you have broken it again.
Again, the address that is listed must be exactly what Google maps says.
I reloaded it with the exact wording and spacing of Google maps and it was working.
The system is built all around the Google geolocator and if you use a different address then things will not work correctly. It needs the exact Google physical address.
If you’ll change it back to the exactly the way I had it it will start working again.
Did you correct the address in the match setup???
Here is the location setting for the club. It is exactly the same as Google. I still cannot find the match in a search.
I loaded matches in on 19 Dec and haven’t found them in a search. The information about the exact google maps address showed that our address was wrong (Lane vs Ln). Corrected but no matches showing up yet. Is there a reset time?
Pistol club at the range is showing up for The Ancient and Honorable Pistol and Rifle Society of Gassville with the same address as below.
Ozark Dynamics, 191 Shamrock Ln, Gassville, AR
Here’s what’s going on gentlemen.
If you created a club with an address that is not exactly the same as Google maps then your club will not show up on the search.
Secondly, if you created matches within the club when it had the incorrect address the match was given an incorrect address therefore it’s also not showing up on match searches.
When you correct the address on your club the club will begin showing up on club searches but the matches will not because they still have the incorrect address.
To correct that you need to go to each match and re-edit the match setup page to have the correct address.
That would be using the edit pencil for each match under your club.
Just checked this. Still cannot search either my match or my club.