Matches not showing up on map when you view

The map view changes as you change pages. It all starts based on the beginning zoom and location of the map.
This first capture is the zoom and me choosing to update my location.
The second one is what it gives me.
This is how the geolocator works.

Well, I guess i find it disappointing that other clubs appear and clubs that are much farther away and we do not. But i guess i have to live with it because you are telling me to.

The system is working correctly.
It all depends on the scope of the map when you search and that it sorts by date.
You proved it to yourself with your screen captures. When you zoom in you see your matches, when you are zoomed out far enough that other matches that are held before yours take precedence then you have to look on page 2 or even farther to see yours.

Hello DJ, I am new on here and have been troubleshooting why my match isn’t showing up on the map or list. I’ve gone through the club and match addresses and all other settings and it seems like it should be good to go, I just can’t find it in search. Here is a link to it, are you able to help?

Your club address is not correct as Google would see it.
You can tell by looking at the geo map on your club page here. See how is just shows the whole world and not a location. That is telling you the address is wrong. It could be as simple as using all Caps for BLVD. :person_shrugging:t2:

Awesome. That was it, just put it in as I saw it somewhere else. Thank you!

It’s just not worth arguing. It’s not working like it is for my fellow ranges nearby.