Match says it is full, yet there are spots open, and shooters cannot register

Match says it is full, yet there are spots open and shooters cannot register.
Our match has 4 spots open, but shooters see “Match is Full” when they go to register.
How does a match director clear this message?

Hi @David_Smith,

What match are you referring to?

Do you have a difference between the ‘Max # of shooters’ and your squad slots?

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If you are talking about the Huronia match.
You have 4 withdrawn shooters still sitting on your approve list.
You have two wait listed shooters who have been squadded but they are still not approved.
You have the first registered shooter still not squadded.

Until you clean all of those items up it’s going to show full with waitlist available. :person_shrugging:t2: :person_shrugging:t2:

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