Last weekend I ran stats for a Tier 3 sanctioned IDPA match with 176 registrants. When the match scores were posted, we used the above-named report from my iOS Master to call out first, second, and third-place awards as well as the earned match promotions. The report I ended up with from this match had 9 errors. Some of them I spotted immediately because a Master was marked as having earned a match bump. But I found others as well so I audited the scores manually and calculated the bumps. There were 8 additional bumps.
IDPA says a shooter earns a bump if they beat 5 people in their Div/Class or above, not counting themself. In some cases there were shooters with only 3 in their group so I had to look at the classifications above to count the classes above to find the correct calculation.
This includes shooters that Do Not Finish and DQ’s. We don’t count registered no-shows.
Second place finishers must beat 10
Third place =15 and so on until you run out of places and shooters.
FWIW. Just a report from the trenches.