How can Practiscore make match days smoother for competitors?

Hey everyone,

I love the platform for keeping track of matches and registering for events. I want to know if anyone have any ideas on how Practiscore could make match days even smoother for competitors.

I sometimes find it can be a bit time consuming to check in at matches if there are a lot of competitors. Perhaps there could be a way to pre check in online or use a QR code system??

Another idea is to improve the way match results are displayed. The ability to view our own scores as well as our competitors’ scores in real time would be fantastic.

There are any other ways Practiscore could improve the match day experience for competitors??

As well, I found these resources when doing research on this; & if anyone have any resources, tutorials or personal experiences please share with me, It would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you……. :slight_smile:

It would be great for local matches if we could check in shooters with tablets. But to do that we would need to have the membership flag brought over somehow into the tablet. We spend a lot of time at checkin trying to make sure what someone needs to pay based on a member or on-member as well as if thier waiver is up to date. Somehow create a new screen for check-in that has these fields in them as well as verification of what Division / Classification.

What type of stuff are you having to do with your check-in? A lot of matches have shooters register on the website and then just show up to their first stage based on their squad number (e.g., Squad 1 starts on Bay or Stage 1, Squad 2 starts on Bay or Stage 2, etc). Major matches are a little different.