Hidden match question

I posted a hidden match, but it seems that competitors are still able to see the results. When I posted it, I verified (with an alternate account) that I could not search and find the results. Looking at it now, I still can’t search the results - but I can still find them through the club match results listing (when logged in with an account besides admin). This may show up in competitors recent events as well, but I am not completely sure of that.

Here is our club page: EWPSA | Eastern Washington Practical Shooting Association | PractiScore
and the ‘hidden match’ is 2022 EWPSA Year End Results, which I can see in the list.

Is this the intended behavior? I was thinking that if I posted the scores, it would only be viewable with a direct link. I guess I could post with a password if I don’t want it viewed.

I can see the results on your club page. Hidden means it won’t show up in search.

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if you want to hide results, you can use password protection, so if anyone opens link, it won’t be visible…