Getting Club Info From "Recent Events"

Matches that I’ve shot show up in ‘Recent Events’. But when I click on the match, no where on the next page is a clickable link back to the club that ran the match so I can see which matches are coming up or scores from previous matches. If I want to see this info, I have to search for the club (which takes many clicks) or go to “Find Events” and search for an upcoming event the club is putting on.

When I click on match results under “Recent Events”, I should be able to click on the club name in the top right (just like when I click on an upcoming match in “Find Events”) or somewhere and be able to get to the club page.

The system is set up for you to “follow” the clubs you want info on. (you do that by clicking the follow button on the clubs page)
Then you will see upcoming matches on your “Find Events” calendar… It is designed to work that way…
Direct links to all clubs from all pages (I think that is what you are asking) is not available at this time.


I understand that and I’ve already stated that I understand that in my first post. What you have described involves several clicks and time spent searching.

I should be able to go directly to the club’s page with one click from a link (club name in blue just like when I click on an upcoming match in “Find Events”) on the results page instead of doing a round-about search for the club and clicking through several pages.

Again, a link to the club page of the club that put on and uploaded the the match should be on the results page. Since this is the site feedback section, my feedback is that it should be added to the system.

In my experience from building sales funnels on my own, a simple link should not be hard to code in on a page.

Thank you for your input.
I have moved this to the “Ideas” section and will add this to a long list of ideas for features and changes.
It is something we will consider during staff discussions on the rebuilding of the web site.
D.J. Petrou
Match and MD integration.

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Nothing has changed. Do you guys even consider feedback to make the user experience better? I’ve heard rumors that you do not.

We are sorry you are unhappy with your Practiscore experience.
The very long list of ideas the suggestions will be reviewed when we are building the next version of the Practiscore web site.
It’s unfortunate that you feel that we do not listen to the users and consider their suggestions. We absolutely do. Making changes to a big site like this is not as easy a flipping a switch and at this point most changes will need to be integrated into the next version of the site.