"fix name capitalization" feature in PS 2.0?

I haven’t been able to locate a way to fix the capitalization of names in the PS 2.0 app. Am I missing it or has this feature been discontinued?

I feel as though the results look cleaner with the names uniformly capitalized and would love a way to do this in a single click again. For major matches, it comes across as more professional to me when the names aren’t all wacky as the shooters enter it in all lower case or all upper case.

I looked at that… However, generally it is not possible to properly capitalize names. E.g. MacKillan or Mackillan and similar. And there are non English names.

Besides, if competitors prefer to spell their names in a certain way, that is really up to them.

So, the Android 1.x app didn’t have that option.

If you really want to manipulate other people names, you can export registration, load exported csv in Excel, save edited csv and reimport.

I understand that it’s not possible to properly capitalize all names, but fixing those that are all capitals or all lower case is really helpful. When I have 330+ people registered, it’s worth messing up a few McK names (which I can more easily fix manually) so my results look uniform. I hope you’ll reconsider in the future. :slight_smile:

PS: (sorry, didn’t think to mention this before)
If the app won’t have the fix capitalization option, it would be helpful if the PS web site matched and didn’t automatically fix the capitalization in the shooter list. That way, at least I can scroll through registration and see how the names are entered. Right now, the shooter list names automatically show as properly capitalized in the list and I have to click into each shooter to see how they actually entered it.

I’d rather have the option to click somewhere and fix the capitalization (either web site or app), but if I can’t, at least consistently displaying the name as entered would help. Thanks!