First match Registration Issue

So I signed up for my first match. I never received any email for confirmation and only used the email used to sign up for the site. Match admin also stated he sees me signed up and sent me email for squad selection. I never received that email either. Is there something I’m doing wrong or is this site glitch? Will my results for this match not be posted and I don’t want this to be an issue in the future

We need to know what match you are talking about.
a link to the page you used for registration or to the clubs page would be helpful.

Sorry about that. It was Double Eagle June Rifle Hit Factor. This is the link I used:

Well somewhere in your registration process I have to believe a back arrow or delete button got pressed briefly.
It looks like your registration email is not correct.
Probably on the registration page something got bumped.
The email’s going out. just not going to the right place.
You should reach out to the match director and ask him to correct it in the registration.

Ahhh okay thank you for the help so it was my fat fingers that missed the “G” haha