Failing to waitlist participants

I have set up two events with a max registration of 12 participants. In the setup page I made sure to check the allow participants to waitlist but the program is not telling the participants they are waitlisted so they think they can come to the event. How can I remedy this situation?

Hi Kurt, I’m a match director and the waitlist works perfectly for all our matches, so it could possibly something in the way you setup the match. Can you please provide a link to the match registration?

It works fine for our matches as well but for events I am still having an issue with it sending a confirmation email to the participants that says they are registered, not wait listed.

The waitlist is not operational in events only in matches.
When events was created it was really only for people that wanted to sign things up such as attendance at a meeting or RO training. It was never created to replace matches as fully functional registrations, with things like taking payments or using the wait list etc.

Ok, we thank you for the response. Could this be activated to work with events?

Unfortunately, not at this time as it would require a rewrite.
Alternatively, you could still create your events/classes as a “match” and then you would have all the features. You are not required to post results of anything after it is over.

Waitlist does not work on my end I toggle it when creating the match but when registration closes the shooters can’t waitlist. Only I as the admin can waitlist using the link through the admin account. How can I be sorted out?

I think that registration has to be ‘open’ in order to waitlist. Could you check and make sure that the time/date for registration opens and closes allows the match to be open. Also check just below those times that the status dropdown is set to ‘open’. I think that the intent is that you cant register or waitlist once the match registration is closed. Waitlist would allow people to waitlist if the registration is open but the match is full.