Entering scores in IDPA match

In the 1.0 app when scoring an IDPA match we could select the score for the 1st target and a keyboard was available to type in the points down directly, instead of having to hit the + button multiple times. Then we could hit enter and the next target’s score was highlighted to be entered on the keyboard. This was very quick and efficient.

In the 2.0 app, selecting the score for target 1 brings up the keyboard, no problem, but after keying in the points down, pressing enter leaves the same target highlighted and the keyboard disappears. We then have to select the 2nd target score to get the keyboard to reappear for that target, rinse, repeat.

Can we get the old behavior back, please?

@Stuart_Gepp for the record. The iOS 1.x app worked differently.

The Android 1.x app used a system keyboard which had number of issues.

We can’t use the system keyboard in the PS2 app and still investigating alternatives.

The new keyboard is fine. I’d just like what happens when I press enter to be that the next field is ready to be typed in, rather than the keyboard just disappear leaving the already scored target highlighted.

There is more than just keyboard…

If you look a the PS2 keyboard. Unlike Android 1.x app, the data you are typing is not entered into the field you opened keyboard for.

Like I said, we are still investigating what can be done about navigation between fields.

I’m sure this makes sense to you, but it really doesn’t to me.

The data I type absolutely is entered into the score field.

Hopefully you can figure out how to navigate to the next field soon.

…try to dismiss keyboard after typing in half of your data and compare the difference between Android 1.x and PS2.