Emailing shooters from previous matches

The match director from our local steel challenge match would like to email the shooters who participated in the state steel matches the last couple years and announce the dates for this year’s match.

If the old match is still on Practiscore, I know I can still use it to send emails. Emailing from multiple matches would lead to multiple emails for many shooters though.

I know I can download the data from both matches and use Excel to create a list of email addresses. I use Gmail for my email server, I assume it’s pretty labor intensive to paste all those addresses over to Gmail.

Does Practiscore support directly emailing people who have participated in one of our matches at our club page? I didn’t see anything.

Hi Patrick,
We at Practiscore don’t share any email or personal information at all. With advertisers, with clubs, or with other shooters.
We see it as our obligation to the shooters.

What you described in creating an email list is most likely what you will have to do.


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