Email Question- Not receiving emails

I do not receive emails from Practiscore, admin, match registrations, match notifications, etc to my yahoo email. I have check my settings and it appears to be correct & I also check my Spam folder. Can you please help?

Alex Chambers
[email protected]

Hi Alex!
If your match director has match emails enabled, it may be Yahoo itself giving you issues. Some email providers such as Hotmail will not allow Practiscore emails to go through reliably, and, unfortunately there is nothing we can do. I’m going to let some of our website guys know as well, in case it is something on our end.
@D.J.Petrou may also have some advice

We find the gmail addresses are THE most reliable to not send stuff to spam or fail to send at all.

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I have 2 shooters whose emails bounce every month - same 2 and only 2…
One is a Yahoo the other is an AOL address…
There are other shooters with Yahoo and AOL address that have no issues…

I have verified the addresses are correct by sending them emails from the club website which they receive…

Thank you

See the above replies. Just because you can directly send emails to these folks doesn’t mean that Yahoo or aol will allow them to get emails from the match server.
Again, we suggest a gmail account.

My email are stopped receiving email from practice score since 2020. I guess I just find our it is hotmail issue. But I did add a gmail address, but I still don’t receive emails. Any ideas?

Derek Cheng
[email protected]

If you are not happy with the way Hotmail is processing the emails then adding a gmail address to the “additional” email section will not fix it. Additional emails only attaches past result to your dashboard.
What you need to do is change your primary PS email to the gmail address. then place your hotmail address in the “additional” area if you want past matches to show on your dashboard.
This will fix things “moving forward”.
Remember one thing, Your match communication emails are ALWAYS available in your email box on your dashboard. :+1:t2: If they are not there then your PS email was not on the sent email list from the MD. (your current inbox show many emails.)


Hi D.J.

After I changed my primary PS email to a gmail address, at dashboard I would not be able to see the Canada IPSC handgun national match any more. I will have to switch it back to hotmail then I will be able to see the match at dashboard. And you also dont see the old emails at PS email box. Is there a way to fix it?


Derek Cheng

Yes when you change your email the email box resets. It would cause a security/privacy issue if not. And for the three upcoming matches on your dashboard you would need to contact the MD’s and ask them to change your email in the registration to your gmail one. But if you did not change the upcoming matches with the hotmail email by adding your hotmail email to the additional email section the result will still show in your dashboard.
If it were me I would go into my existing registrations with my old account and change the emails myself to my gmail address (which you can do). Then I would change my account primary email.