Disappearing Squads

Not sure if this is something that can be salvaged or not:
We have a match coming up in two weeks and the squad list was deleted - I’m not sure if it was a system error or a misclick on the part of one of my volunteers.

Is there any way this can be restored? Or do we have to ask folks to re-squad?
Link to the match: https://practiscore.com/massachusetts-hit-factor-state-championship-presented-by-the-hopkinton-heavy-hitters/register

Approx when did this happen? So I have a timeline.
Here is the list of the only people who have access to your match.

@D.J.Petrou Within the past week or so? I approved folks last weekend and they could squad, when I checked last night, all the squads were gone.

I know I did not do the deletion and the Hopkinton USPSA isn’t used/access is only available to myself. Spoke to Sean earlier and he said he hasn’t touched it, either.

The webmaster confirmed that the squad list was deleted.
It is not recoverable.
I suggest that you recreate the squad list then email the complete match telling them to go to their match mgt page and squad themselves.
But before that you should look at your wait list and get people off of it. But you have a number of withdrawal/refunds sitting there taking up space. Those people are taking up slots you will need for releasing waitlist people.
My opinion,

  1. Fix the waitlist and get the match truly full
  2. create the squad matrix.
  3. email all match telling them to squad.
