Creating New Club Issues

I have created a new club but am unable to locate it or find it in the search engine?

Had to create a new club as the passwords where lost by the board of directors. Possible duplicate?

Also created our first match under the new club and it is not possible to find it in the search engine either.

The Club name is:

Medicine Hat Rifle and Revolver Club

Under the email of:

If you duplicated a club we probably could have fixed that for you without a creation of a second club.
The inability to find it is because you most likely haven’t used the exact address that Google maps uses for your club. If you do not use the EXACT address then the geo locator will not find you. You cannot use a PO box It must be an actual physical address that Google maps can find.


Appreciate the response to this issue. Is there a way I can update my clubs address without deleting and starting over?

Also, is there a way to delete duplicate clubs without having to log in to them again?

After correcting the club address it is now available to be searched for in the club search function.

But an issue I still can not figure out is, I am un able to search for my match that I have created. It’s labeled:

MHRRC - July 20th Rimfire PRS Bonus COF

I’m able to share the link and have people register but when searched it is unavailable. It is not set to a private match.

Thank you for any response that you can provide!

I just searched for your match and it came up perfectly fine.

Odd, but glad it’s showing up now. May have taken a moment after updating address.

Thank you for looking!

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