Club Membership in Practiscore

Hello - I’m a member of Arvada Rifle and Pistol Club as well as Bowling pin Arvada Rifle and Pistol club. My question is how do I add myself or get added to those clubs on the PractiScore website? I’m following both clubs but under my profile t shows that I don’t belong to any clubs. - Thank you

If a club doesn’t offer a membership, which these don’t, then all you can do is follow them for updates.

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Well, if a club does offer membership and i am a member, how do I enter my membership on practiscore for those clubs?

If a club began a Practiscore membership program you would join the club on Practiscore. No where else.
IF a club had a membership program outside of Practiscore and wanted to bring the membership into Practiscore the club management would have to add every member to their club membership OR let everyone register through their PS account.