I am MD for the TN section and created a PS page and a club for the section. Match is created and set up but I cant seem to get it set up as my club so I can manage everything. Registration opens today.
You have to be logged in under one of these 3 emails to access the club.
The owner or one of the two people listed as admins.
I have been logged in under the tn section email and its not even showing in My Clubs
actually I just noticed the email address for the owner in your reply is wrong. should be tnsectionchampionship@gmail.com
The club was created with the email on my screen shot.
Here are screen shots of the club account.
the club was totally created with this email.
You need to log in with the email used for the club.
the tennesseesectionchampionship@gmail.com is a legitimate account
I’m guessing that you’ve created two practiscore accounts one with each of these emails. The one I’m showing is the owner has a legitimate practiscore account