Check in report and other reports?

There are a lot of reports that were/are on the iOS version with a lot of tools like check in reports. Do you have plans on adding this?

Check in with hundreds of ajooters on the iOAversion is much better but the synchronization on android is much better…

@Glendon_Lowder it is hard to answer such broad question.

If the PractiScore 2 app does not allow you do do certain things, please state what those things are and what purpose they serve for you. For most iOS 1.x app reports there are alternative options available in the app.

I have not used the new PS2 for live matches, but several important tools I use are not available.
Squad lists. For monthly matches they are invaluable to balance squads and see, at a glance, who has not checked in.
Checkin lists. I use them for accounting purposes to balance monies. I add checks for Paid Stripe, Paid at the range - either member or non-member and comped shooters. Those show up as columns in the Checkin lists making it easy to reconcile money for the match.

Edit Shooters / Squads → Tope Menu → Squads.
Can also sort by Squad to see totals and move people around. Long hold to select multiple, then tap “Squad” at the top to reassign squad

There is a search/filter at the top.
Tap on the “magnifier glass” search icon.
Then tap on the “search hint” icon (top right one when search is active).
Select “checkin” from the list.
Tap on the “search hint” again - select your checkin, e.g. “checkinChecked in” one to see who checked in.
Currently the app does not allow to select multiple options there, but we may add it later.

Can also enable inline checkin indicator from the checkin’s editing screen.
From the top right menu on the shooters screen select the “Checkins” option.

Not sure how it all folds in. I don’t think the apps ever imported the paid info on the pin# import. And then it is unclear how you processing all that data. Please email some pin# for your matches and relevant reports/examples (with corresponding description of what is what) to

I understand what is available for squadding on the new app, but that is in no way the same as being able to view all squads and shooters at one time.
The import does not pull in the paid status, which we feel would be helpful. I mark shooters who have paid through Stripe manually.
I build the checkin info on my IPad in the Practiscore app so that I can manipulate the data I feel is necessary and pertinent for our use, therefore the PS match download would not be helpful to you. Possibly I can screenshot some info.
Thanks for your reply.

For one thing, you are in no way describing what is not the same. Selecting the sort order by squad does show you squads and shooters at one time.

This does not explain anything. More like the opposite. Please email details as instructed above

I have emailed it to you. Possibly we are the only club to use these features in this way, but it’s not difficult and serves our needs.

@Johnnie_Cady I don’t see any emails at