Carry Optic defaults to Major power factor and you can't change it when adding a user

Carry Optic defaults to Major power factor and you can’t change it when adding a user. You have to go out of the user, then back in to change to Minor. We are on iOS 1.739 which appears to be the latest version for ipads. Is this something that will be changed in a future release or bug fix so it can be changed when adding a user?

Thanks for bringing this issue up. I have the same problem.

I see what is happening. We have fixed this once before but it looks like its back.
I’ll see when I can get someone to look at it.

FANTASTIC!! I kept waiting for it to resolve and finally decided to bringing it up. I am glad I did.

Thanks for looking into it DJ.

I have corrected the power factor on my tablet to upload to Practiscore but when I upload to Practicscore it says major. This is for CO. I am unable to upload to USPSA as a result. What can I do to get this corrected?

We are aware that this is an issue. We are working to get a corrected. For now you can go back into the master tablet to the shooter’s name and registration info and change it to minor and it should stick with no problem.
I would check all of the CO Shooters in your match along with production and PCC just in case, to make sure they are correct. You can sort them by division on the master tablet to make things easier. Then repost the match to practiscore and you should be able to pull the correct information from the website at that time.

This is still an issue since January. Is it going to get fixed or has it been fixed and perhaps my tablets have not updated?

What version are your tablets on right now?
Are you checking your CO Shooters and adjusting them if needed?
I also do not see you as a club MD or club Admin. And if I look at White mountain practical shooters I do not see any online registration for any matches since 2018.
Is this true?

I do not have the tablets but can check this weekend. Which version SHOULD they be onfor Apple iOS?
Yes we are correcting them as we go, but it is still the issue of going back to the shooters list and then going back into that shooter to fix it.
I am one of 3 MD’s and have been for over 3 years, but apparently they have never updated that item. We also do not use Practiscore for registration. In the small area we are in we do signups at the match.

17.41 (1) is the current version and you should have no PF problems with it.
Get all your tablets on that version.

In the future if you have problems it is easier for us to help the club and your shooters if you have registered online and posted your scores connected to the club.

Tablet is on what it says is 1.741 (1) so I assume that is the version you are talking about. Still has the issue with CO and PCC as of today’s match. Again, if I go back from the shooter to the shooter list and then select them again I can change it, but it defaults to MAJOR when inputing them with no option at that point to change them.

we will look at it again on Monday.
I ran two sample matches with this last week before it was release and the PF worked correctly.

Just FYI I was able to recreate Robert’s issue on an iPhone 12 running PS 17.41(1) using a fresh USPSA match. When I added the first shooter as Carry Optics, the PF grays out as major and cannot be changed. Here is a screenshot for reference. Thank you!

Waiting on Apple to approve the next version.
When you see 1.744(3) download it.
It fixes the time and date issue and also the USPSA Prod, CO, PCC minor issue.
on the minor fix if you Do happen to list a shooter as Major when you back out of the entry window it will move them to Minor. We can not at this time make Major totally unavailable for those divisions.

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Thank you for the situation update. Will keep an eye out for the new version.

1.744(3) is live. Go get it gang!