Cant Find Club Matches In Match Search - MISS

When searching “MISS” In the match search function, none of the matches for MISS Come up. This issue was brought up by someone attempting to sign up for a match with MISS. I found the same issue he did. I reached out to the rest of our BOD to test as well, no one else had this issue. I have tried both logged in, not logged in, Incognito, clearing cache… all of these attempts result in nothing showing up for me.

Image attached showing my issue. MISS is located NW of Chicago, in McHenry IL.

What could be causing this? how can we fix it?

It seems like when your location is near Dallas, these MISS matches are on about 6th page in the search results.

You can try to click “Update Location” button and then click near Chicago on the map OR narrow your search by state Illinois using checkboxes on the left side.

Im not sure where you are seeing we are listed in Dallas. Attached is a screenshot of our club dashboard. Address and map are listed as McHenry IL.

It is shown on your screenshot in your own post above. And instructions for moving that location are right below of the search field.

You can also try “Reset” button to bring this search location back to your location.

As Eugene has stated, you need to change your search start point.
Here is mine based in Nashville, TN when I search MISS.
You can see where my location is. You can see that there are two clubs that meet the search criteria in the chicagoland area. One of them is yours.
if you were to click on the number 2 it will zoom in and show you the two clubs.
Your club is the tenth on the list in my search from my location.
If you will follow Eugene’s instructions you should have no problem.

I can change it, but it wont save. Every time I refresh, it changes back to Dallas.

That’s a browser issue. You will need to clear cache and any other auto fills related to PS and try it again.
You should also completely fill in your location in your account. (it is not complete)

There are also browser settings related to location access.

Also check what your profile has at Home | PractiScore

Updated my location. Cleared cache. Cleared history. tried on multiple browsers and my cell phone. Tried my wifi, VPN, and cell data. Everything is resulting in my default location being Dallas on my desktop and Tulsa on my cell phone.

Also tried being logged in Vs not. Didnt change anything.

I’m reaching out to our Webmaster.
I remember this happening before and I will confirm but I seem to remember it was the users host pushing the location and overriding things.
That is why your different devices have different locations.
We will see what he says.

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