Automatically disable Major option for CO and LO division

Hi there, I was chatting with a few competitor buddies and found out we all seen a few CO major and LO major on tablets from time to time however these divisions are minor scoring only per the rule book. Wondering if it is possible to disable the major selection when people are registering for these two divs to avoid confusion and possible conflicts. Thx!

The website and registration defaults to Minor for divisions needing minor. (Not just CO and LO)
But if the MD changes or mis-enters a shooter registering on site then they can pick any of the Power factors. If the MD allows changes by the registered shooters then a shooter could in effect change their PF.
The end all is that it is really up to the MD to validate all scores are correct before posting results. Remember there is also SubMinor for those failing chrono.

If you notice an incorrect PF you might consider contacting the MD or the Head statistician.