About the withdrawal of our Club information opened in Pacticscore

Since we are not SO in IDPA yet, we could not establish a club in the city we are in. Afterwards, we completed the SO criteria and became SO and took our club on ourselves. Similarly, we completed the formation of the club in Ptacticscore on the same date. Now we cannot reach the same email account. How can we get our club back? By the way, below is our idpa and practicscore information. I would be glad if we can help. Thanks

The owner of the club and the only person with admin access to it is someone with this email.

Yes, the previous IDPA SO owner and the owner in Practiscore were the same email address.
However, I took over my club as I mentioned.
If you want, you can check it on my IDPA page.
In the same way, I want to take back my page in Practicore.
Even if you look at previous records. You will see that the baris.ozturk@teamburkut.com email address was used when the First Club was opened, and later changed. If possible, you may not recognize the old address.

Hello again
Can you provide a solution? I don’t want to create a club again in Practicscore.
But if it won’t happen, let me set up the new club, but I would like to transfer the adventures here, is it possible?
We have matches and we want to use the portal.
Thank you for your help.

Dear Petrou,

Can you assist in this matter? We have matches and I have to prepare. I want to use our old records. If you grant rights to our first email (baris.ozturk@teamburkut.com), I can take care of the rest. Thanks

I will be working on verifying your statements and if appropriate making changes to the club. This is something that takes a little bit of time and a little bit of research as we don’t randomly change club owners without the original owners consent. Which means I am reaching out to the current owner to check with them and also to follow up on your statements from earlier.
I’m sorry, but none of this happens in 5 minutes, it usually takes a day or two depending on communication from the original owner.

You’re right, I think I had to write a few times when I couldn’t get an answer, I’m sorry. We are a local club, in Sakarya Turkey, the person who helped establish our club was from another province (Istanbul Turkey).
If you wish, you can verify that the photos of our matches, the club belongs to me, through another club.
APAK Ankara Practical Shooting Club, muratalicetin@apak.org.tr or BURKUT Practical Shooting Club selcuk.aksak@vispartners.com.
Thank you again.

The change is made.

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So many thanks for your effort.